An Extraordinary Destiny is his debut novel and is published by Brindle & Glass.
A CAPTIVATING FAMILY SAGA interlacing three generations of an Indian family as they strain against ancestral cords and wrestle with the expectations of an unusually auspicious kundali.
Steeped in history and mired in custom, this is the story of a son striving to attain the extraordinary destiny foretold at his birth, a father mourning two tragic losses and crushing disappointment in his son, and a young woman exulting in newfound freedom through education while remaining bound by familial duty.

Shekhar is a writer and actor based in Vancouver, Canada.
“Paleja’s characters are complex … a worthy read.”
“An extraordinary debut… It stopped me in my tracks.”
“Intriguing, engrossing… a moving narrative.”
Shekhar will doing more readings and book signings in Toronto and Vancouver and elsewhere in the coming months.